Saturday, January 28, 2012


such a terrible night last night. I think she's finally teething.
he is out of town, I'm happy to have my mom with me, alone i could not survive. She woke up every 45 minutes, had some fever, just a little bit.
let's see what happens, how everything evolves.

Friday, January 20, 2012


you're back - ten days away.
you'll leave again in few days.
I'll miss you again.
She'll miss you again.
She'll greet you with her sweet, big smile, again.

i've had too much chocolate.
in two months I'll wear a bathing suit.
I've lost most of my belly but there's still work to do and I'm lazy and surrounded by too many temptations.
meanwhile I'm working out, I don't like what i see.
will i ever like my body again?
who knows.

Friday, January 13, 2012


Alone in bed missing you, waiting for you to come back.