Tuesday, April 28, 2009

mamma mia

Well, love can really change things!
Yesterday I decided to take a break from this blog because I did not have much to say, but today I feel like writing in here. Something happened actually, my mom has arrived in LA. She will be staying for three weeks.
Her presence makes me feel better, relaxed, in a good mood.

Over the last weeks lots of sad events have happened, I did not write about them because I was overwhelmed and i still do not want to write about them, but i want to remember how happy i am today.

she brought her smile, her love, some food from italy, some clothes for me.

i think we will go to the desert soon.
i wanna see it and want her to see it.

also I have discovered a kind of tomatoes, small and red, that i like a lot.
they're really tasty

and the oil we brought in LA from Corning is goooood.

the two together are perfect!

1 comment:

Gao said...

che bello
allora e' vero che alla fine spunta sempre il sole