Monday, March 29, 2010


every day has been hard over the last year.
every single day.
you'd think that it could not get harder than this.
you're wrong.
unexpectedly you think that one year ago you were in Vegas and gave birth to your little miracle.
one year ago. and you can barely breathe.
a whole month of being pregnant without knowing it.
and then the news, which you found out just by chance.
and could not believe it.
and then the nightmare.
it's time to have a new miracle.
it's time to start thinking of giving yourself a new chance.
it's time to wear a smile.
an authentic one.
time to give it a try.
what if.....?
if you never try, you'll never know.
yes, right.
However the fear to go through what I went through, which was almost endless, paralyzes me.
But I cannot act as if I were already dead.


Clara V said...

Mi dispiace tanto.
Il terrore immobilizza. E poi una melma di sentimenti negativi. Io credo che arriverà il momento in cui ti sentirai pronta, aldilà della paura. (e te lo dice una che ad ogni sguardo storto da qui a molti mesi in avanti avrà paura di restare vedova).
Un abbraccio.
Ognuno di noi saprà alla fine sconfiggere i propri incubi, non può essere che così.

Marica said...

hai ragione, se non provi mai, mai saprai :-)

ottimismo ragazze :-)

Alice said...

Only a hug, you don't need anything else.