Sunday, September 13, 2009

tomorrow my mom will leave. She'll go back to Italy after one month with me here.
I am sad and happy at the same time.
Sad for obvious reasons and happy for the complete intimacy I will have again with him.

last night we went to an art gallery.
One of the people there told me "your coat is so cute!"
another noticed the little sentence on the back of my coat.
it says "you're important for me".
she asked me "I was wondering why it says for me, not to me"
hehehe, "it was made in Italy and they did not know" :) I answered.
it's interesting and fun when they openly comment your clothes.
in Italy it never happened to me.
here people just say what they want about your style.
i like it especially when it's a compliment.


Francesca said...

Buon Viaggio alla tua mamma e buon proseguimento a voi!

Crazy time said...

grazie Francesca :)

Anonymous said...

bene, intanto ci riprendiamo Mamma Caterina! E che te la volevi tenere sempre tu?!? Per il resto ti confesso che mi piacerebbe sperimentare una società diversa, molto diversa dalla nostra , come quella americana. Avranno tanti difetti ma forse sono più diretti di noi, abituati come siamo al barocco anche nella comunicazione.
L'inglese che scrivi tu lo capisco abbastanza bene!!