The past week was quite hectic.
We went to San Francisco for two days. For him it was a vacation, for me a two - days work at the Pixar. And before leaving I needed to have several duties done.
Maybe because of this tiredness last night I slept from 9.30pm until 8.00am.
This morning I went to the gym after three weeks.
My resignation has occupied a huge space in my mind and absorbed so many energies.
Now I am slowly getting back on track.
Tonight he made garbanzos with shrimps, they were delicious.
I hope I will keep them in my stomach, I am not well today.
My head hurts, the right eye as well and my digestions seems to be a bit difficult.
This afternoon we went to a place likely called Hollywood Lake, the sign Hollywood was very close, the lake, its dam and the hills were the landscape surrounding us. This is were we took the picture above, I feel like a giant, and I like this feeling.
eccomi..sono tornata!!! non so perchè..un pò di gioia si affaccia...e tu? il lavorononlavoro? e l'altro nuovo?
ao' t'ho scritto un email.
vedi un po' se puoi risponde.
se je la fai
bellissimo il post in inglese ed i commenti in romanesco!!
I like long shadows, btw.
nico: eh hai visto si come siamo poliglotti.
Are you sure, really sure your "oven" is not... with bun?????
no moky, I'm sure :)
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