Friday, September 5, 2008

Strange T-shirts

If you don't like our wings, we'll give you the BIRD.

This was printed on my spinning classmate's T-shirt.
He was riding the bike in front of mine, 45 minutes of this BIRD flying around.
I hope it has found its nest, by now.

I am still wondering if the sentence has a real connection to sexuality or if it is me.
Also, BIRD was in block Letters.


dancin' fool said...

ih! ih!

forse sta ancora svolazzando qui e là...

dancin' fool said...

ps. crazy, mi fa sorridere perchè da te vedo l'effetto che fa "cancellare i post" come faccio io... ;)

(lo vedo da google reader, naturalmente...quindi mi sa che tutto quello che ho cancellato cmq da qualcuno è stato letto lo stesso!).

e beh.


Crazy time said...


a volte non mi sento nel mood giusto per publicare.

Moky in AZ said...

I think it means the middle finger.. you know... flipping the bird...

Crazy time said...

never heard "flipping the bird"
thank you for the explanation.

ali said...

invio il vs. inglese!

Crazy time said...

il mio certo no