Friday, May 16, 2008

Take The Shoes Off

At home there is one of Strazioman's colleagues, I am trapped in the bedroom with this nice 35 Celsius degrees, I am pouring sweat. However there is something worst I am dealing with right now: this colleague has not taken his shoes off and we have carpet everywhere. I am almost risking an heart attack. We never keep our shoes on.

When I visit someone I always adjust to their rules.
If I see them with bare foot I'll take my shoes off.
It's not that hard.

Maybe I should have said something at the beginning but I always find embarrassing to say this kind of things.

I have noticed how deep my thoughts are when I try to practice English.


Anonymous said...

i miei sarebbero ancora più "profondi" ;)

ciao ciao qui diluvia. con giaccavento.

Crazy time said...

qui 38 gradi anche oggi.
penoso questo mio tentativo di esprimere concetti in inglese :)

ma continuero' :)

Anonymous said...

no, no, non è penoso!! sei bravissima (almeno secondo me) non mi azzarderei a farlo! ;)

Crazy time said...

grazie dancin'...e' che dovrei fare meglio dopo 5 years!


vabbuo' che ce vulimm fa'?

Matthew Celestine said...

People should take their shoes off.

I have an whole blog all about this subject:

Shoes Off at the Door, Please